if you are redirected to adf.ly, just wait for the timer ends and click skip ad

GLEAMING: Pockie Ninja Hack Gold Stones and Gift Coupons Generator 2011 Pockie Ninja Hack 2012

Ipinaskil ni djcharrymixradio

ENCHANTING: pockie ninja hack best.swf Pockie Ninja Hack 2012

Ipinaskil ni djcharrymixradio

Ninja Soul getting 10th medal

Ipinaskil ni djcharrymixradio

Finding the right value to be edit on Cheat Engine

Ipinaskil ni djcharrymixradio

Using cheat engine is very simple but without a knowledge on how to find the right value is a loss,
example you want to edit your life on your game but when you scan the value of your HP there are thousands nor hundreds of values appear on the left side of the Engine , if that's the  case , it's too dificult for a player to guess where or what is the right one to be choose with them,

today i will teach you on how to solve this kind of problem

just follow the instruction

1. scan the value you want to hack for
2. there a lot of results will appear on your left side of C.E
3. now go back to your game and take time to play until the value will change
4. go back to C.E then type your recent value
5. click Next Scan
6. repeat the procedure until one value remain on the result page.
7. now start your hack with Cheat Engine

- Richardbelen

Speed Hack on Dota

Ipinaskil ni djcharrymixradio

its very simple.

1. open warcraft ( dota )
2. open cheat engine
3. create and start a game
4. choose a hero
5. go to cheat engine process
6. select war3 process.
7. adjust speed and click apply.

Age of Titans - Speed Hack

Ipinaskil ni djcharrymixradio

1. Open Cheat Engine
2. Select Process
3. Check the box beside speed hack
4. adjust your desired speed on games.
5. click apply..
6. enjoy the game!!!

Ninja Soul Copper Hack ( Money Cheat ) 2012

Ipinaskil ni djcharrymixradio

a few minutes ago , i found something interested game,Ninja Soul and now i am trying to do some or even a little dirty hacks for this. for now enjoy what i've got.

tools :
Cheat Engine
Browser ( Mozille i recommend to use mozilla firefox because it has only one plug-in that's why you don't have to do an speed test to know whether your choosen process is correct. )

Procedures :

1. open your game as well as the C.E
2. Choose the process ( plug-in if you use firefox )
3. scan your current copper ( money )
4. as you see there will be one  alphanmumeric characters appeared on the left side.
5. double click or just hi-lighted it and click the red arrow.
6. now change the value to 50000
7. freeze the value.
8. go to practice battle and fight one
9. after the fight you will get back to the street, now look at your copper amount!!
